Monday, 5 October 2009

'Sorry seems to be the hardest word'

This morning, whilst waiting in the freezing cold to jump on a bus to Uni, I overheard an argument between a student and the bus driver. The bus driver would not accept a $20 note, due to a change shortage - fair enough. The angry guy, yelling profanity got off the bus. His outburst annoyed me - it was uncalled for and it delayed my quest for warmth.

As we waited for more people to get on the bus, I saw the 'Angry guy' approaching the bus.

He got on. He handed over a $2 coin and said to the bus driver

"I'm so sorry for my attitude before, I was out of line" and the bus driver gracefully accepted his apology and gave him his ticket.

I love it. I love that he apologised, and i love how the driver just accepted, no grudge, no angry attitude. In my experience, sometimes we take our frustrations out on the wrong people. To acknowledge his fault, and apologise in front of a bus full of people took gutts.

The next time somone apologises to you, consider that fact that sometime's it takes alot to admit to and take ownership of your bad behaviour.

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