Wednesday, 19 May 2010

"This book I had again and again perused with delight."

When I was growing up, I had a fantastic story book full of stories from all over the world. I loved it. Sadly, in one of the many moves we made, the book got lost along the way.  12 years later, I was in A&E at Wellington Hospital, and in the waiting room, there amongst the books and toys, was the story-book.

We wrote down the ISBN, and once I was home & feeling better I popped online to have a bit of a search. I found it! Ta-da! Second hand and only $4.00. The downside was that it came from England, and cost me $25.00 to get it here. Well worth it, I thought.

Four weeks later it arrived, and I literally felt like a kid again.

As I flicked through the pages, the beautiful illustrations took me down memory lane. I felt strangely comforted by them.

This is from The Story of Persephone (obvious parts of the story were left out), maybe this is where my interest in the Classics originated?

This is from Sleeping Beauty. I love Illustrations that use full-pages, and corner space.

Then I flicked to the back of the book, and this, the most memorable story was infront of me again after all these years.

My Mum came to visit me later that afternoon. When I showed her the book, she looked as gleeful as me. She too flicked to the back, to The Elephant & the Bad Baby. She read it aloud to me, like she did when I was young. It sounded exactly the same as it did all those years ago.


  1. How does it end? Why is the baby a Bad Baby?

  2. The bad baby learns his lesson ;)

  3. I found a copy at the library and read the last couple of pages. It's so cute!

  4. You found a copy? Awesome! It is very cute isn't it? What did you think about the rest of the book?
