I thought about the ending of 2010. It's been an interesting year. Lots of good, and unfortunately lots of sad too.
A little over a year ago I wrote this post. It's been over a year since my Mum was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. An entire year has passed. It has gone quite quickly but at times it felt painfully slow. Today she is Breast Cancer free. And it feels amazing. I feel for families that aren't as lucky as us. I always will.
I am glad that this year is nearly over. There is SO MUCH to look forward to in the next 18 months. And although I am looking forward to waving good riddance to 2010 and breast cancer, I cannot deny that I am a changed woman.
The effects of my Mum having Breast Cancer will be everlasting - and it's not all bad.
A few things cancer has taught me:
- Never let an opportunity pass, to tell someone you love them.
- Inner strength can be found in everyone, sometimes it just needs a wake up call.
- Brad and I can handle a crisis. We are a good team, and great support for each other in hard times.
- Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do, to get where you want to be. You can do it.
- And lastly...*"Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum".
*I am still working on this one. I may be some time.
That Baz Luhman song is so so true. Luv you xx Mummy