Tuesday, 3 August 2010

"An Education"

This week has been busy for me. Three assessments in one week. I'm not too sure if it's because when I get tired everything becomes funny, but this week has been oddly filled with moments that tickle-my-humour-pickle.

The first took place whilst discussing annoying classmates, of the 'txt-in-lecture' and 'talk-extremely-loud-in-lecture' varieties, with my tutor.

Me: "Why don't they just shut it? As if I want to hear about their trashy Saturday night at 'Shooters'?

Tutor: "Ooh I do, but if you're going to distract me from the lecture - it better be juicy!"

Me (internal conversation): "Did he just say that? Or are you now crazy & deaf as well as blind?"

As I sat nervously in the office of a man who once described himself as a "Grammar-Nazi", waiting for his critique on my essay, I started to drift off to avoid a panic attack. My day-dream was interrupted by..

"...Are you by any chance of German decent?"

"Actually, it is highly likely that I am....Why?"

"You capitalise every noun. Every noun. Like a German student would."

An awkward silence ensues.

After a few solid minutes he tries to comfort me with...

"...It's nothing to be too concerned about, it's just an observation."

Yesterday afternoon, I met with a tutor to go over my plan for a presentation I was giving that very afternoon. We ended up discussing the Essay which was handed in the previous day. I told him that I had emailed him but never heard anything back. He then said,

"Oh you're not one of those silly little twits that keeps emailing me to ask favours, are you?"

"Uh, no. Thankfully, how awkward would this meeting be right now if I was."

Oh yes good ol' VUW is great for a few laughs. There is even a whole facebook page devoted to sharing them. Before I sign off I just have to share my favourite VUW funny of all.

One day whilst sitting in a Greek History lecture, my lecturer pulled down a map. He grabbed a metre ruler to use as a pointer - and point at the map he did. As he pointed away, he said "so this is Sparta." The entire class laughed at a semi quiet level. Realising what he had said he pointed to the map furiously and yelled. "This. Is. Sparta!" 

image from comicbooks.about.com

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