On Monday I thought I would ring one of my ladies from the fab-four - the pregnant one. She by this stage was a few days overdue, and I wanted to see how she was feeling.
I rang her house, and her sister answered.
"Hi Paula, is Erica there please?"
Trying to be subtle, she said
"Ahhhhhh, nah she's um not home yet"
Realising that it may well be D-day, i said,
"Ohh, i see, well can you get her to call me when she gets home then?
She tried really hard this time.
That night I slept really lightly, and every time I woke, I ceremoniously checked my phone for news. Nothing.
9am, on the train - still nothing.
11am - leaving 'Roman Society' tutorial - still nothing.
I thought maybe Paula was just really tired, or trying to throw me off ,when I spoke to her last night.
Off to KK cybercomms, to complete (not to mention start over) a critical comparative analysis of 'A Midsummer's night dream' and 'King Richard III'.
I told myself to just check my facebook and emails before I get started, to avoid temptation to stop work mid-way.
Luckily I did.
**GASP** "Oh my gosh!" I shrilled.
Then the tears came flowing. Through my blurry tear soaked eyelashes I saw something strange.
Forty strangers staring at me, the way that I imagine circus goers would stare at fire breathing midgets.
*Note to self: You JUST said that out loud. Very Loud
One brave girl whispered to me "Are you alright?"
"Yes! My friend just had a baby!"
Congratulations Erica and Josh. And welcome to the fifth lady of (our own, very unique version) L.W.L. Cannot wait to meet you Baby Girl. We love you.
i love the wikipedia description of "ladies who lunch". as we are all very slim, well-off, married and dont do anything with our time apart from lunch in restraunts. - good tui ad! arohanui to the newest member to our elite group and do the ones who have remained faithful. SADDLE UP LADIES