I have been for a while, working one day a week at the Wellington store, and one day a week at the Coastlands store. Sadly, today was my last day at Coastlands.
Although, I know I will still remain good friends with many of the people there, it still makes me sad to not be able to call Coastlands "my store".
Here are a few things that i will miss about it:
I will miss knowing customers names, faces and standing within the community. I will miss them knowing my name and face too. The connection you build with someone, over six years is quite special, even the couriers i will miss (Especially Eric 'sex-injury' OnDemand).
I will miss being frequently consulted by budding artists, after being directed by a co-worker to me.
"Are you Nicole, the artist girl?" has quite a ring to it.
My team is what I will miss the most. I will miss, Outragoues Fortune de-briefs on Wednesday's, & "Have you ever?" or "would you rather?" survey's. I will miss the completely raw, honest answers that come from "have you ever" survey's, even if they do sometimes shock me.
Comfort food lunches, and LiftPlus pick me ups are undeniably, characteristically Coastlands.
I love how at Coastlands store, I feel like I am a part of a Family unit. We love each other one minute, can't wait to see the back of one another the next. But in the end, when it matters the most, we are always there for each other - and we all know it.
I've seen the best of times (store of the year) and the worst of times (Costylands) of that store, and although I am not far away, and that (by some people) I will be missed, it's hard to walk away.
This got me thinking about all that has happened, whilst I have worked there. I have seen one uniform change, eight Manager's, four Area Manager's, the death of Mr Pencil, two re-structure's and six ghastly back-to-school shirts (and one year it was a hat).
The company has changed, and grown in many ways, and the store has been witness to many laughs and many tears. All these years the store has helped us to and watched as we have entered adulthood, marriage & parenthood, bought first homes & first cars. It has remained a constant as we have experienced first loves, heartaches, great victories and sadly great losses. Even for those who have left, this has marked new and exciting adventures of life.
Just as we have seen both sides of the coin, with our store, Coastlands-31 has seen the best and the worst of us all too.
This store has watched me grow from a girl in to a woman, and at times it has pushed me in the right direction. I have too changed so much.
It is comforting to reflect on my first day, the feelings of anxiety and dissappointments from being in the way more than a help to anyone, are a warm reminder of how far i have come & that there are more challenge's yet to come.
I will cherish theses memories, and for the rest of my days, I will carry a piece of Coastlands with me.
In exchange, I'd like to think that I've left a lasting impression and a piece of myself there.
Wellington, I hope you can heal my wounds; this year's love, better last.
Coasties Team members at My 21st
Mellow yellow, BTS 2009
Brad & I, Napier Conference 2006 - Store of the Year.
Awww! I've never quite had that feeling for my place of work, ever. Maybe Woolworths as a teenager. But we weren't all tight. And maybe Wendy's Coastlands or Christmas wrapping, but that's probably because I did both of those jobs with one of my best friends to start with. Maybe MoJ, but only with my team, and still not as tight as you describe. Sounds nice.